Sunday, April 22, 2012

It's after midnight. Which means its a new day. A chance to do good in the world.

I've said it before. I hope I stand by it this time. But I wont listen to anymore of zachs lies. I got a message earlier that "if I respected him I won't send any more messages bc I got him in so much trouble." to that I say, good. I'm not going to be hidden. I'm not going to be another of his lies. He deserves the trouble he is in. I care about him sure, but it's time he sees the consequences of his actions. You can't play people and abuse their trust and feelings. He needs to learn the meaning of the word respect before he goes throwing it about.

New day. Let's see what kind of a crazy train wreck I can make of this one.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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