Sunday, April 26, 2009


well i can mark singing karaoke off my goals list. Leah's bachelorette party last night was awesome and we sang Land Down Under. No idea why we sang that song. But it was awesome. And now my kidneys hurt. I'll post more later when I can successfully think straight.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Lunchtime Rambles

Sorry kids. I've really dropped the ball on writing lately, haven't I? (This is where tonya is probably giving me the finger.)

I think its been the weather or maybe because I've been on the internet so much lately, but I just haven't felt like writing. I feel spring coming on and I want to be out doing as much as possible before I crash in exhaustion. So I have been, and I love it. But. I felt compelled to ramble today, so ramble I shall.

I was just sitting here at work, doing some work (vague and shady, Andrea) and realized how much I actually enjoy my job. It is not what I planned to do nor will I do it forever, but holy Shatner, is it what I needed in my life right now. And I think it took someone telling me in a very negative way that I was boring and all I had to look forward to was a pat on the back and a gold watch for me to realize that this job, what I'm doing, and what I'm a part of is amazing. It is so much more than a gold watch. The work I do, in it's own small way, contributes to the future of our world. The work I do, in it's own small way, decides what kinds of new and innovative research is being completed in the United States. And some Canada, but we don't count them. And I wish I could talk about it all and tell you what is going on out there and how incredibly cool some new research is, some that is happening right in our own backyard! These projects are going to change the ways the next generations live their day to day lives. And when I step back and look at it from that perspective, it blows my mind.

And I hate that it took someone's negative comments for me to realize that I am on the path I need to be on. I'm learning more than I could have ever imagined just because I didn't quit when things were hard. I stuck it out, got the education when I hated going to class, put the time in in the shitty jobs to have the experience, paid my taxes, and am now in a position that opens up so many doors for me. And this isn't me trying to talk myself up here. This is me being like, holy cow. That's awesome. I did not see that coming. But it did! This job allowed me to do so much more than work. I can give to charities and non-profits more than I've ever been able to because I have the income and the steady evening and weekend hours to do it. I can go on trips to visit friends and family more because I don't have to worry about working crazy shifts or what homework is due. I can name my idiot brother my beneficiary because I'm in the position where I can actually set aside something for my (or others) future(s).

Maybe I'm more than grateful for the rude comments. They opened up my eyes to how blessed I am and have always been. Sometimes it takes a slap in the face and a burnt bridge to realize that. And if I get that gold watch, I'll know it was for a job well done.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Conversation with My Brother

We all know that deep down (very very deep), I love my idiot brother. We don't share any interests other than drinking and sleeping. But he's my idiot brother none the less.

We had to sign up for new insurance stuff at work today and for our Life insurance we had to name a Beneficiary. This is terrifying to me. So I decided, in a moment of idiocracy, that I'd make the Idiot Brother (from here on out, IB) my beneficiary. I needed his SSN to do this. The conversation goes as follows (all thru txt msg)

Me: I need your SSN, asshat
IB: WTF you need that for, you gonna sell it to some illegal immigrant for booze money?
Me: Bc I made you my beneficiary, douchebag.
IB:What the hell you talking about?
Me: If I kick the bucket you get my cash monies. I hate you.
IB:Thats fucking depressing. Here it is: (# here). Delete this msg immediately.
Me:Shouldn't you be a little more grateful I'm bequeathing you my millions?
IB:Pay your student loans off first, then we'll talk.

Here is where I add this is the most in depth conversation we've had since Christmas.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

No Title

I know I need to post. I promised tonya i would post. And when I have so much to talk about I can't think of anything.

I love lemonade. Especially when it is so cold it hurts your teeth. I had some today and it was just the most perfect thing on earth.

I am probably not going to be on here much (or alternatively will be on here lots and will be excessively cranky) because starting mid-may i'll be working overtime. through at least august. on any given week i could probably be working up to 70 hours. Now. I know I should be super thankful that I even have a job let alone one that is going to offer me that kind of hours. And extra money would go toward paying off my credit cards. But the thought of spending that much time at work during the sunniest months of the year makes me want to cry.

I just ordered chinese food bc i'm in a mood and i need it. I had 'real' chinese (read: not take-out) earlier in the week and it was Awesome. But sometimes I just really need overpriced cheese wontons.

i tried a new cheese and a new fruit this week and i've forgotten the names of both. grumble.

easter was very nice bc i got to watch shainna get a tattoo (she didnt cry and was a general badass about it) and have an egg hunt and egg dying with her and got to hang out with the fam the next day and do it all over. also i got to watch for the last hour of dad being jesus for six hours. it really upset me to see him up there bc he hadn't had anything to eat in that whole time and since he couldnt move his legs turned white and he was borderline passing out. but he did it and now he's everyone's hero.

the chinese food got here speedily. maybe i'll try and write again later.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


also not a real post. i promise there will be one before the end of the week. but i stumbled upon Wordle and oh my. i like it. You put in your blog and it will compile words that are frequently used. so... here's mine:

Wordle: wordle

now go, blogger dears. play with wordle.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

a quick hello

dear readers, sorry i suck at blogging lately. i owe you a big big big rambling post.

but, it wont be today.

in the mean time watch this (it's amazing) and Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

an interesting weekend

so kids, how was your weekend? mine was interesting.

i went to pburgh yesterday with two goals: skeeball and imax. when we got to dave & busters it was overrun by brats. now i usually like kids, but the little snot nosed hooligans ruined my gaming experience. they were EVERYWHERE. like a plague. or stray cats. thank goodness D&B has a bar. which cracks me up that they have several bars in an establishment with kids, but whatever. we went to the no babies allowed section and watched the game.but i'm still bitter the ankle biters kept me from skeeball victory. but we did get to see Monsters v Aliens in imax 3d (luckily with no crying little kids in the vicinity) and it was AWESOME and i recommend it to everyone. mostly bc i forgot how fun 3D is. and the previews showed that there are several 3D movies coming out in summer (Up!, Ice Age 3) and i am so totally there.

friday was quite possibly the most fun and strange evening i've had to date. one of my co-workers is in a band and they were playing at mcclaffertys. everyone else at work talked big game about going out to see it even though over half had never even been to McC's. but we ended up going and i had so much fun. embarrassingly good fun. the kind of fun that i'm glad i wasn't driving fun.

today i've been incredibly lazy, mostly sleeping in the sun on the porch like a cat. and having crazy dreams. holy cow have i been having crazy dreams lately. from getting offensive tattoos on accident to going to jail to my parents becoming different people. i haven't had dreams like this in a long time. it could be the alcohol or late nights i've had lately.

i'm not pleased by the fact that we're supposed to have a rainy and possibly snowy week this week. what i am pleased by is the fact that i'm going to charleston on friday to see shainna where we will have our very own egg hunt. not even lying, i am twelve kinds of excited about the egg hunt. so what if we're in our mid-20s. i smell competition!