Monday, February 6, 2012

Well I got my stitches out and didn't cry. Though I thought i was going to puke all over the poor nurse. I did get hot and faint feelin, but i muscled thru like a champ.

yes, i do realize for most ppl that getting stitches out is no big deal.

however, the office has 'misplaced' my lab results. the nurse didnt understand why they hadnt contacted me yet and went looking for them and couldnt find them. i'm supposed to call back on thursday if i havent heard anything.

THIS DOES NO GOOD FOR MY PHANTOM ULCER, of which I have decided to refer to as Rufus. The fucking bastard.

so that's where i am. 2 pieces of toast and half a bowl of chicken noodly soup has stayed in place so far this morning, knock on wood. So we'll see what happens, if I don't lose my shit before Thursday.

puke puke cry puke.

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