Tuesday, February 14, 2012

happy valentines day everyone in blog land.

i had a good day at work in pittsburgh today. my boss took some of us out to lunch, and it was just a generally nice time. i came home and went to the gym bc i knew i needed it. there werent many people there, but i didnt really expect there would be. and then i went and got myself a lovely valentines dinner of hot fries, milk, and a hotdog each for me and my date, calypso. kind of counteracts the gym, no? and then i came home and i cried. not bc i'm sad, bc i am sad and i wont lie about it, but because i have some of the most wonderful people in my life. i checked my mail and had some cards and cookies and chocolate. i cant even begin to express how thankful i am for my friends. even at my whiniest (the last year) so many people have taken time out of their own busy schedule to be there for me. it makes me feel very special. and its feelings like that that keep me going, trying to do good for others. i got myself a cake-pop for breakfast from starbucks (bc why the hell not?) and got amanda her fav drink and then gave the cashier lady the three gift cards i had floating around in my purse and asked her to use them on as many ppl in line as they could last. i hope maybe i brought a smile to someone's face this morning.

i'm not where i want to be in my life but i am so very thankful that i have people who stand by me along my way. i love you all so very very much. i hope you have had a good day and have told those important to you how much you love them.

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