Monday, February 13, 2012

today was a bit better day. i just don't do well when i have to sit at home and think. and by think i mean stew.

so being at work and busy was good. and then going to the gym was good. and now it's 8p and i only have a few hours to stew before i pass out.

i did real pushups today. me. real pushups. my arms hurt like hell. but. i'm ok with that.

tomorrow though. it's going to be rough. i'm trying really really hard here to be positive. but having to be invited by your friends on their romantic date, while appreciated, makes you kinda feel lower than low. i want them to be happy. i dont want to be that depressing third wheel. i'm going to stay at the gym until i can't move. and then i'll pour myself home aand into bed.

i do have my valentine doggie though, and that is a really good gift. so i cant complain.

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