Wednesday, January 13, 2010

you're really going to think i'm crazy now

i know i have some crazy thoughts. and i know that most of them are bullshit. and i know most of them probably make me sound like i'm three steps from being locked up. but lets go with this one for a minute, shall we?

you remember the several times i've been convinced (thanks to an episode of House of all things) that i had asperger's syndrome. i'm still not completely buying that there isnt something chemically or genetically messed up about me, but thats a whole other story. it would explain the repetitive patterns i put myself in, but that is neither here nor there.

i was reading aboutTemple Grandin, who quite frankly is one amazing woman, and saw that she invented the hug machine. and thanks to the wonder that is wikipedia i then read up more on this machine. and i think it is brilliant and i want to build one of my own. i think at some level we all need that physical pressure to be able to calm down. i know i do. which is why i often when i'm upset have to pile like 5 blankets on my bed. the heat kills me but just the weight of all the blankets helps me stop thinking in a thousand different directions and get some sleep.

sidebar. since when does the RealSex specials come on hbo in the middle of the day. that was incredibly unnerving, going from sobbing over P.S. I Love You to... well.. real sex.

ok back to being crazy. no. thats really it. i want to build a hug machine so i can calm down my mind. bc i think i'm going to need it shortly more than ever.


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