Thursday, January 28, 2010

and it was so much fun

when i was little i had to see the optometrist (which i've had to since i was two and a half, so i'm not exaggerating when i say i was little) my absolute favorite part of the whole trip was when i got to see the plasma ball. you know what i'm talking about, it looks like a clear glass gypsy ball and it has the electrons moving around in it and if you touch the ball the line gets stronger and you build up static electricity and can shock people. and i loved that. i loved watching the electrons move around and that i could control them like a miniature mad scientist. at the time it was officially the most amazing piece of scientific equipment i have ever seen. i may have been as cross-eyed as an extra from Deliverance, but in those few moments i felt like i had all the power in the world between my hands. I was the Raiden of braxton county. (oh thats right. i pulled out a mortal kombat reference. you damn well better believe i was a champion at that game. battling blindness with a 50 dollar science ball, one pair of coke-bottle glasses at a time.)

i dont know why it was important for me to tell you that story. or why i remembered it, for that matter.

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