Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I have this theory

i have this theory that you only get one chance in this life so you shouldn't waste time. it's funny bc in certain contexts i believe it completely. in others, i have completely disregarded it and been a bum and wasted a lot of time. i think, however, there are distinct differences. call it gut feelings, but some things you just know wont happen again in your lifetime and once you lose it the whole course of your life is shifted. and lately i feel like those crazy evangelists who stand infront of the Lair, screaming this at people. Some people agree with me completely, others walk on by and make comments about that crazy person, and then some claim to agree but try to brush it off with the fact that they have prior engagements. literally.

i don't know what the point of this post is other than i just want to scream at some people. and bc i'm scared. but, i've done what i can, and thats all i can do. time to get off my soapbox and go sleep in it.

twitter tells me this mornin that 'Fear can derail even the noblest of efforts. But love overrides fear.' and i believe that. i wish everyone else did.

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