Tuesday, January 26, 2010

pot brownies. no connection

1. sorry about my last post. i went a little incredible hulk ragey. however a lot of people came out of the woodwork today to tell me i'm doing the right thing.

2. i made a bowl at pottery class today that looks pretty alright. i was trying to make a mug and somehow ended up with a bowl. the teacher said we can lie and say i meant to do it. i really like class bc i have to concentrate 100% on the clay and can turn my brain off from all the other shit going on.

3. i got my fucking brownie finally and it was delicious.

4. the CRJ is a total bastard and has this song stuck in my head now. its the long version and this is the first time i've ever read all the lyrics. and i really like them. even if michelle is a total gold digging whore.

5. i just had really intense deja vu. super weird.

6. i'm going to the andy warhol museum tomorrow and am excited.

7. i'm not fixed. but i'm not going to stop. bc i'm trying at least. i really am trying.

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