Wednesday, January 27, 2010

the burgh

so i went to pittsburgh today with two girls from home, ranae and tiffany. i've not seen tiff in years so it was good to say hello again. and it was actually a pretty decent day. when i woke up this morning i didnt want to get out of bed (whats new) but i didnt want to let them down. and i'm glad i went.

side note before i talk about pburgh, you know that muscle in your forearm, i think in males ppl refer to it as the beat-off muscle, well mine is killing me from pottery yesterday. there are muscles i was not aware of here, kids.


so we went to the andy warhol museum first. i've always been indifferent to andy warhol, didnt really get the purpose of painting tomato soup and all, but i really like some of his art, especially some pencil drawings he did that had semi-dirty limericks about famous historical figures. however the featured artist this time is shepard fairey (you know him from the obama hope poster) and oh my god i love his artwork. i dont want to sound like some pompous fucking wanker who says stuff like 'the art speaks to me' but dude, i get it. i want to wallpaper my life in his art. we made the mistake of going during school trip time, and heard gems such as 'andre the giant? was he like, a famous artist?' or 'this andy warhol wallpaper, did he like, come in and paint the images himself?' or 'soviet russia, those were like, bad times for america, right?' or my favorite, 'is this like, a stool?' (it was, in fact, a stool.)

and yes, he did pee on some of his art. to make art. i've been wasting art all these years...

so then we went to the strip district, where i've never been before and ate many delicious things. dear polish cheese pirogi, where the hell have you been all my life. and beautiful homemade bread, and pocky! from the asian market, and my weight in cheeses and mmmfood. and you damn well better believe we stopped and picked up donuts on the way home.

and i saw a rainbow which i really am trying to convince myself is a good sign.

i'm glad i had a good day today so i can tell the doctor tomorrow i didnt spend this entire week in bed. i bought myself matching necklace and earrings to celebrate. is it bad i have to reward myself for getting out of bed? probably. but it's one step at a time. and i'll take that.

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