Sunday, January 10, 2010

sunday blues

so i officially sent brett off into the wild blue yonder that is Washington, D.C. we got all of his stuff packed up after 1am last night and cleaned this morning and hung out til the movers got here (over an hour late, no surprise there). it was all very sad. sometimes i feel like everyone in the world i care about has to move far far away from me. i just keep shipping more and more people off and somehow i'm still right here. at least i got my favorite sweatpants out of it.

so whats on tap for this week. reevaluating my whole life. (more on that at a later date. some of you sorta know about that, but the proverbial shit may hit the fan soon.) changing my hair (whats your thoughts? chop it off again? emo black? if i have no opinions i'm just going to do what i always do and tell my stylist to do whatever she thinks.) writing things and then discussing them further in parenthesis (bc its how my brain works. in circles.) maybe go to the wow factory and make something since i have a gift card. go to the grocery store (which will be lonely without anyone to argue about low sodium cheese with). what else. hopefully go see avatar this evening. (i'm told the smurf sex scene is not in the theatre release but will be in the extended dvd.)

i keep leaving the blog to do other things. this is the longest taking blog i've written ever. that sentence didnt even make sense. i'm halfway through another nursing home blanket (green and cream) and picked up yarn for the next. since mammaw said they like the bright colors best, i got hot pink, orange, and teal. i'd say that's pretty bright.

oh and i never wrote my review for my new laptop. if it had male parts and would spoon me at night, i'd probably marry it. it's only been a week but sony vaio has my vote. which reminds me, someone remind me to take frankenbot to the post office. i wrote them a letter of all the things wrong with it, including how i cant get the username Whore to go away. i'm sure they will be laughing at me.

another new gadget that i'm fascinated with is my solar powered ferris wheel that brett got me for christmas. you know how much i heart ferris wheels. and how easily amused i am. and how awesome solar power is. so yes. its awesome.

also on scrubs, janitor is singing barbara ann and i love it most muchly.

ok. this has been a useless post. strangely i feel like painting. and not a canvas but my walls. paint over all this fake would paneling.

hi, stranger.

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