Tuesday, May 8, 2012

today was our first soccer practice. i went into it with a piss poor attitude and didn't have any fun the first half. i don't know what i'm doing, i dont understand all the positions and things yet and i am a shitty kicker. however, about halfway through i got hit in the tit by a ball. and that was enough to fire me up. i actually started trying then. and no i wasnt any better but i did actually enjoy myself. i'm never going to be the person making the goals, but i really enjoyed playing midfield and getting all up in peoples business.
the warrior dash is quickly approaching and holy ballsack batman i'm terrified. but, much like anything else i'll prob hate it the whole time and then be so pumped when i'm done. i hope so anyway. or rather, i hope i enjoy the whole time. haha. i've been chatting with some guys online and now on texting, which is so weird to me. i dont remember how to do this. it's not dating, not by a long shot. but, it's still nice to just talk to someone. and i'm not lying about anything or being coy or whatever. its all laid out there, black and white. they can either buy into it or not, i wont be offended if they tell me to piss off. but at least i'm getting out there, as out there as the internet and texting is, i guess. i havent heard from zach in awhile which i suppose is good. i hope he's ok. i still very much worry about him. but yeah. i'm goin to bed. i'm exhausted. thankful: teammates not hating me for not knowing what i'm doing. fresh cut grass. not getting a yellowcard.

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