Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I can't remember if I discussed this or not but we get to paint the walls in the house we are going to rent. I've been going back and forth abt what color(s) to choose for my bedroom. Here is a hastily taken pic of one wall:

I love love love that the room is all angles. I think I'm going to put my bed in that corner. There is an interesting little alcove area that I failed to snap that I want to create my own little vanity table area to get ready in the mornings etc. I've got a walk in closet (!!!) so I may not even put my chest of drawers in my bedroom but the closet instead. We will see. As much as I would like to paint immediately, it all depends on when able bodied help is available and I've informed those coming from home when they have to leave by so that I can go on my date with this mark guy in peace. I'd really like to be totally moved out by the end of the long weekend.

Anyway. Colors. I was thinking on some of the walls to do a mustard/golden whatever color and get white sheer curtains and a white comforter. Which I know is impractical. I've also been thinking abt shades of blue or a really light grey with one brick red statement wall. What do you all think??

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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