Friday, May 4, 2012

I had the pandora channel on sublime at work today (I know. You'd think I'd make one post and not eight million choppy posts. I'm sorry) and the acoustic version of Rivers of Babylon that Bradley Nowell did came on and let me tell you, that song and his voice together is one of the greatest things that ever happened. I've had it stuck in my head since, and have spent the better part of the evening looking up covers on YouTube. I think This one

Was the most well done that I've found. Stefan does a good cover which really makes me miss him and Steff and sitting out on a porch while he played guitar and everyone harmonizing the night away. I used to be a lot more fun.

But really. Listen to the acoustic version. It's great.

For real going to bed now.

Thankful for: music. Good friends. Campfires. Harmony of all forms.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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