Friday, February 12, 2010

shaun white's hair is going for gold.

so i'm watching the opening ceremony and the coverage about canada and its history and all that. and all i can think is how i want to go there, to vancouver, to see those mountains, that snow, on the edge of the world. i think it would be an entirely different experience than looking out over the atlantic. more often than not i wish i had been a pioneer. which i guess would mean i would have had to have been a man. but to be able to be the first (technically speaking of course) to see all these amazing geological marvels. to chart the land, to see the northern lights. i dont know. it just sounds magical to me. oh canada, maybe you are where i belong. your sea-to-sky highway is calling to my heart.

but. every year i say i am not going to watch the olympics. but i get caught up in the magic of it. the stories of the obstacles. and then sad things happen like that poor kid from the nation of georgia who died. what is worse is they keep showing it, over and over, on the news. it breaks my heart and everytime they show the image of the doctor doing chest compressions i start sobbing. he was younger than me. he was doing something he loved. the weltschmertz... it is very strong. my thoughts go to his family and teammates.

i was going to make jokes about shaun white's hair and have one or two good zingers in here. but i just dont have it in me. this week... it wore me out. this weekend will see me sitting right here while those around me are with loved ones. i have a feeling that DQ cake will happen, if DQ ever opens back up from the snow.

they just read a quote on the telecast from W.O.Mitchell. and maybe it was just the way donald sutherland read it but it gave me chills. so i looked it up:

“I could hear the hum and twang of the wind in the great prairie harp of the telephone wires. I remember looking down at the dead, dried-out husks of a gopher crawling with ants and flies and undertaker beetles. I guess I learned at a very young age I was mortal, too. " -w.o.mitchell.

my brain is tired and my heart is sad. and i am sweating like a pig.


1 comment:

Agnes Puget said...

I googled "Shaun White's Hair is Gross" and I ended up with a link to your blog. I am a former West Virginian (eastern panhandle) and you seem interesting. May I follow? I would rather ask then be a creeper and follow anonymously. :)
