Tuesday, February 9, 2010

doin me a solid. that just sounds dirty.

so i know i shouldnt talk preemptive shit on the upcoming snowstorm (which the radio is calling Son of Snowmageddon) but uh, it's not happening. And we even got sent home early so that we wouldn't die out there on the roads. I shouldn't complain bc that means I got to sit here in my coveted gray sweatpants, but, there is only so much -sitting here- i can handle. as you well know.

a ginormous thanks goes out to Piz today, who out of the goodness of my heart, i mean his heart, came over and shoveled me out for real and then salted everything down like... well... something that you put a lot of salt on. mashed potatoes? McDonalds french fries? I'm glad he and I are still generally good terms after all this time. And that he knows how incompetent i am when it comes to weathering the weather. So in theory, if the storm does come, I should be ok this time and wont have to drop an f-bomb or 30 in my driveway.

also, did you know it was a holiday on monday? where have i been. this could be good if the weather lets up and bert gets to come to town as planned, or if the project i'm working decides to give me the middle finger, it could possibly just be another work day. i'm trying to get as much done now as i can, and if nothing else, i'll use monday to go practice pottery, which was canceled tonight because of the impending doom. DOOOOOOOOOOM.

i know a guy who's last name is doom. he's pretty alright. i know a girl who's last name WILL BE doom sooner or later, and she's even more alright than the fellow. i may hold some bias on statement.

so my evil smart dog, in all her evil smartness decided to get back at me for throwing her in the snow bank by chewing apart her leash. in 3 places. now she has had this leash since i got her, and she knows what said leash stands for. so i fully beleive she did it on purpose so that she doesnt have to go back out in the snow. evil genius.

i'm trying to think of a fun andrea pre-1995 story for you, but am drawing a blank. for some reason all i can think about (between my hiccups that wont go away) is that dr. seuss book where they dye the snow and it dyes everything that glorious cupcake icing pink color. i wish i could do that in real life.

i wish i could have a cupcake in real life even more.

if i get stuck in this house tomorrow... no. i will not get stuck. even if i have to walk.


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