Wednesday, February 17, 2010

oh boy.

so either nicest or most unsettling thing happened today.

i was talking to one of my little brother's best friends, who is like another shithead brother to me, when he informed me that he recently received his concealed weapons permit. now. most of my brother's friends are immature yet genius turds that i wouldnt trust with a butterknife. but this kid (i say kid even though he's 24), this kid i would trust with my life. not just bc he has a blackbelt (and not one you'd pick up from the gap.) so i took him to be serious, when he seriously told me that if anyone ever hurt me in any way, to let him know and he would take care of it.

um. holy shit. remind me to never tell this kid that someone has hurt my feelings or they might end up in the bottom of the Mon.

i dont think i would ever wish death on anyone (i say that full realizing the hurt i have experienced in my life does not even compare to that of others) but i can think of a few kneecaps i would like to have seen busted up in the passing days.

mostly i just want people to hurt as much as i have. and then hurt a little bit more. but, that doesnt happen in real life.

and i suppose as bizarre as the whole situation was, it was kind of nice knowing that someone has my back like that.

anyway, back to my regularly scheduled breakdown.

instead of going to pottery, bc it was canceled, i fell asleep. without medical assistance. and slept for 11.5 hours. what the hell. i woke up with the lights on, sleeping on a book, and Dora the Explorer blasting from the tv (which would explain why half my dreams were in spanish.) and this whole sleeping thing is great compared to the only getting 2-4 hrs a night. except now i am tired ALL THE TIME. where as before i was tired but too busy worried about the fact that my clothes were still in the dryer and not on hangers in perfect rainbow order by sleeve length and functioin. so maybe that is a good thing? i dont know. what i do know is is i crawled in bed as soon as i got home tonight. not because i'm tired but because i'm just over this day.

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