Thursday, February 11, 2010

the lion slept last night.

that sleeping pill? tooootally worth the money. i slept nine solid hours. no waking up convinced someone was trying to kill me, no waking up and thinking i was choking, no tossing and turning. just uninterrupted wonderful sleep. it might possibly have been better than sex. and that sayin somethin comin from me.

however, because of the sleeping pill most of the day today i felt like an extra from a cheech and chong movie, complete with cotton mouth. the other medicine obviously hasn't done anything yet, but this afternoon i felt like i was in the fucking zone. which was ncie and yet scary. i was an editing machine. there were nice things though. like how i play music bc the ppl i sit around dont suck, and the beatles 'revolution' came on. we totally had that cheesy television office moment where we all chime in and are singing just bc we damn well can and its a good song. we should put together a family band and go on tour.

all day today i wanted one of those green lemon-lime suckers that you used to get when you were a kid, namely from Shoneys. that's where you got your free suckers on sunday when your whole family went to shoneys for lunch after church so that everyone could see you in your church finery and not judge you bc you didnt go to church (although they would judge which church you went to, so avoid the salad bar, kids.) but. green suckers! i would dig through the sucker bin (which is gross in hindsight) for the sacred green sucker. looove. i want to go find some now.

i also thought of legends of the hidden temple today bc i was writing a factsheet involving ohmic (dont even bother, its a boring boring thing) which made me think of olmec, which man, didn't you just always want to be a silver monkey? anyone want to dress up for halloween this year?

anyway. i l<3 shainna because she sent me a present. and it's delicious. she doesn't love you as much as she does me, neener neener neener.

ok. i'm lame and my lame shows are getting ready to come on, so i'm going to go watch those and drug myself into awesome sleep.

much love.

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