Wednesday, February 17, 2010

i just have to share this...

.... before flames shoot out my eyes and my head explodes in a thousand million trillion bits of crazy.

i'm watching the olympics (yay shaun white's hair for winning that gold, btw) which has nothing to do with what i'm about to write. it goes to commercial. picture it. super serious depressing music playing in the background. a black screen. the words 'WHERE WERE YOU' flashes on. and off. and on. then you see a picture of the snow storm. and then black again. WHERE WERE YOU.....WHEN THE SNOW STARTED. more picture of snow. more WHERE WERE YOU. building this up like its going to be heartbreaking and astounding and award winning. WHERE WERE YOU? YOU WERE WATCHING YOUR LOCAL NEWS STATION.

uhhhh. huh?

yes. it was for the local news. to remind you that they give a weather report. in case you forgot that IT'S FUCKING SNOWING OUT THERE.

i'll give you a weather report. it's called my middle finger.

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