Sunday, February 28, 2010

sleeping grumbly

so. about this weekend. those plans i made? i sorta.. well. slept through them.

friday night i figured hey. i dont have to get up at 7 tomorrow, if i take my sleeping pill then i can sleep in a little bit, get it out of my system and not feel groggy all day. so i fell asleep around 1030p.

and woke up at noon. so completely confused about what was going on and where i was and what day it even was. and somehow i was STILL TIRED. i tried to stay awake. i started watching tv and eating a poptart even though i felt like garbage. and uh. i fell asleep again. til 530p. that means i slept nearly 17 friggin hours. i slept through a lot of crazy mess in the world too, it seems. its no wonder i felt crazy all day at work after taking that stuff. and somehow i still fell asleep last night at a decent hour and slept a decent nights sleep and woke up at 8. and let me tell you i feel like i could leap tall buildings today. completed my grocery shopping and everything.

but heres a fun story for you. while i was in my coma, it apparently snowed some more. i mean really? haven't we gotten enough of this garbage? and its balls cold out there. so when i went to get in the car, the door would not open. if you remember a previous post where this happened, i had to jimmy myself through the backseat and i was really NOT looking forward to that business again. so i tried each and every door and nothing. i couldnt get a single one open. i'm standing in my driveway cursing snow, and automobile makers and everything i could possibly think of until i remembered. i didnt unlock the door. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

so today, today i am going to a new friends house to be lazy and watch movies. the last time this situation happened i fell in love with an asshole. i really hope that that doesnt happen again.

if this garbage weather would stop already i may be taking a trip next weekend. i'm excited at the idea of what it may possibly mean in the long run. you know, that thing i cant talk about yet. my stars are changing and i've got to see where they are taking me.

also. this is awesome.

also. i love bread. the end.

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