Friday, February 19, 2010

the one in which i get paid to be a hooligan

i officially had the best day of work probably in my whole life, past, present, and future. today, i was paid to be an asshole.

let me explain.

the company that i work for recently put a bid on a new building to purchase since they have completely ran out of room. its nice and all, but would have to be completely gutted on the inside to make it into a more office-y type space. and they found out yesterday that everything was finalized and the demo crew will be there on monday. so what did we do today? we destroyed some shit.

we walked in and were handed a beer, a spraycan, and/or a hammer.
can i just tell you how much fucking fun this is? yes. i played tic-tac-toe. and scratched.
and then we all got down to business.
have to support the Dub-V!

and then. they dared me to ride in the dumbwaiter. at this point, i'd had enough beer and inhailed enough spraypaint that i thought this was a BRILLIANT IDEA. so i rode up and down 3 floors for about ten minutes. little did i know everyone outside was panicking because they couldnt figure out how to open the doors to let my ass out. woops. but they did, and they spraypainted it special, just for me.there was wine. did i mention the wine? and the beers? there were wine and beers.

frankly, i havent laughed this hard in a long time. i love this company. where else would i get to do something like this. and now, i got wash all the blue paint off myself.

1 comment:

Agnes Puget said...

Looks like a great job to me!

Ok, so this sounds completely stalker-ish and random but a friend of mine on facebook posted photos like this on her page. Do you know Leann Ray? If so, this is one crazy small world linked together by Shaun White's hair. Also, I just noticed that I went to school with one of the people following your blog, Shainna, which I didn't know had a blog.