Friday, February 26, 2010

really, i'm starting to hate this snow.

so my plans were once again foiled by mother nature. i'm so tired of snow. i want grass and sunshine and birds. nearly wrecking on van voorhis is not how i want to spend my afternoons. and parts of the interstate are closed because of things like 20 car pile-ups. me thinks i'm safest right here.

since i didnt head off to DC i went ahead and went to my doctors appointment to discuss whether or not the medicine was working (its not) and how the sleep aid was going (bitchin dreams, bad hangover). so he upped one to see if it will help me any and gave me a different sleep aid that isnt as strong (rhymes with manax) so we'll see what happens. i'm not feeling better yet but i did realize today that i havent had a migraine in over a month. bc thats when i changed my phone number and started changing my life. i honestly think it really was eating me alive. and making these changes, while some of the hardest and saddest things i've done, really are whats best for me. even i can see the progress. i'm not making myself sick with guilt. i still have a lot to work on, and i still wish things could have been different before, but. i'm living for me now. i deserve better than i was given the last three years, hell, longer than that. but i'm working on it, and even if every day isnt great, i'm getting to a place where i'm good.

we also had cupcakes today at work. and who doesnt love cupcakes.

so things to do this weekend. go work on my pottery. i still have several pieces that need trimmed up. maybe i can get more photos while i am there. i cant wait til we get to the part where we paint. i have some hopefully neat ideas.

i have a weird feeling. i dont like having weird feelings, kids.

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