Monday, February 8, 2010

why i dont need access to the internet

all day today i could swear to you i smell like maple syrup. i have no idea. honestly. no idea. but every now and then i swear to you i smell maple syrup. and i havent been in contact with maple syrup since... well since that one time i sat in it, but we don't need to discuss that again.

and i was talking to the CRJ about this and how it is driving me nuts. and then he asks, rhetorically, if i'm a bit of a hypochondriac (which i think is a good way to put it. as we all know i'm usually convinced i have -something- but i'm too afraid of doctors and needles to actually find out if i do. see posts on Aspergers.). he then proceeds to show me what medical things that result you in smelling like maple syrup. prognosis is: i'm going to go retarded and die OR whatever happens to your body with diabetes and then die.

there is also secret option C where i'm just batshit crazy, and frankly i'm reeeeally gunning for that one right now.

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