Wednesday, February 10, 2010

a champion among snowtires

every day for the last four days, i probably should not have been on the roads. no one should, really. but that doesnt stop us. in fact, i get a sick pleasure out of driving in this garbage. i once again slid sideways into work this morning, being one of only 4 people to even show up. call me crazy (it's ok, people with advanced degrees do) but i get a wild feeling about myself and every day driving in this mess is like another test. i either win or wreck. and for some reason i really like those odds.

since the MASSIVE SNOW did not happen last night, i didn't think there would be any issue driving in today. i should have known better when my car door was frozen shut. i do not have the patience for my remote starter to heat up the subi, so i tried all 4 doors. the only one that worked was the back drivers side. so picture it, me throwing myself into the front passenger seat and then shimmying into the driver seat, and kicking the living shit out of my door to get it open, bc i'll be damned if i was going to play that game again. it's a shame, bc i was having a really good hair day, too.

the roads are a solid sheet of ice. i got zero traction anywhere. so i slid when i had to and sped up when i had to and just had myself a merry, if not a little intense, drive into town. i once again slid sideways toward that one single nice new SUV in the parking lot, but my mcguyver skills kicked in as they always do (knock on wood).

this is all fun and dandy, but maybe getting a little old.

also, right now, you dont know it but i am a fact sheet rockstar. i cant really discuss it any further than that, but nerds everywhere should bow at my snowboots.

i really really really need my insurance card, and soon.

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