Tuesday, February 16, 2010

hot doggin

do you remember the NES game Winter Games? with the alpine skiing and the speed skating and the 'hot dog' run, which was really just skiing but you got to fall on your face. that was the one game i loved. i remember sitting in the old house playing against michael for hours on end. he always had to be team USA or else he'd cry. i dont remember who i'd pick to be. there were only eight countries you could choose from. and in part of my crazy dreams last night, i dreamed to the sound track of the ice skating portion of the game. and i wish you could hear it (actually, you can. its at about 3.5 min in that video linked above). i hated the ice skating part. i could kick ass in bobsled or hotdog, but michael had the dexterity to do all the jumps in ice skating (and yes, i do realize i'm discussing a video game) where my little princess constantly fell on her ass.

i dont know why this is important. its not. just something i thought of.

also, i just realized that i have, in fact, worn my underwear backwards all day. one would think this would, i dont know, be easily identified.

i fail at life.

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