Tuesday, February 16, 2010

we come from dust

so. yesterday i got off the couch long enough to go to the grocery store. and thats it. i shouldnt even have bothered because the cashier judged me for getting six cadbury creme eggs. OOOOH. LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE HAD A BAD DAY YESTERDAY!! dear cashier man, you can kiss the fattest part of my white ass. love, andrea.

i feel awful. side effects include constant fucking nausea. and no. i'm not pregnant. thanks for asking. i'm wondering if taking the medicine is even worth it to feel like this. i'm assured it will go away shortly, but i've barely eaten anything for the past week without wanting to boot. which means i've barely eaten anything. and i'm not taking the sleeping pill anymore bc i started having wicked hallucinations which left me in a tiny ball freaking the eff out. this is not what i wanted when i said i wanted to get better. i'm assured that i am though.

the roads were horrible this morning. the worst that i've driven to work on yet. i fishtailed nearly into the opposite ditch going down van voorhis. i was terrified. so either, the roads really were worse or the drugs are actually starting to work. i cant be certain.

we're supposed to have pottery tonight, but after sliding sideways into someone's yard on the way home, i'm not quite sure i want to go out. we'll see.

i'm stewing. about the old things. i don't know why. weird gut feeling. not that any of my gut feelings ever mattered. my guts have shit for brains.

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