Wednesday, February 24, 2010


dreams from last night (drug free)

1. with my younger brother only he was much younger, like 4-5. swimming in the ocean when a killer whale comes up. mid-snack i remember that whales have baleen (yes, i know what that is, i am a nerd) and cant eat a human like that. i informed the whale this and it spit the brother out.

2. sleeping in some sort of terminal, on egg crates. met a friend of someone i dont speak to any longer. shared a blanket and memories. truly strange.

3. Someone we dont speak to any longer stole a storyline from a book. called the whole getting published a 'grave error'. told them once again they were slime. made them man up for once and tell the truth to the book company. then turned around and walked away.

4. sat at a table that was mirror, overlooking the sea with windows all in peripheral vision. and just sat there. waiting. knew i had to wait or else something bad would happen.

dunno what any of this means. dont know why i post it. pottery was awesome last night but i forgot to take photos. i trimmed up and put bases on all my pieces.

going to the District this weekend if it doesnt come another snowstorm. kind of excited. another museum is in the works.

and now, off to the doctor. woo.


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