Tuesday, February 23, 2010

stranger and stranger

i have barely managed to crawl through this day and all i want to do is fall asleep, but i have pottery in 2 hrs and i'll be damned if i miss it. i hadnt slept the past couple of nights, so last night i bit the bullet at took a sleeping pill. at 6pm. the dreams alone are worth it, but all day all i wanted to do was curl up by the space heater and take a nap.

but thats not why we're here. i wanted to tell you about the dreams. crazy dreams, part 4. (guessing. dont really know the number)

there were several different parts to this dream.
1.one part was getting ready for some sort of company wide party and we all got t-shirts (navy) that had everyone in the organization's name and photo on them, in a circular pattern on the front. on the back it had the year, which was wrong bc it said '06. i remember thinking it was wrong in the dream, but being convinced it was still 2009.
2. i was supposed to ride a horse. i knew it was on my goals list (even though it actually isnt) and i had to suck it up and do it. i remember jenny was in the dream, which makes sense bc she loves horses, and also my godfather, which doesnt make sense at all. and i met a delicious looking cowboy who apparently was actually my boyfriend in this dream. blonde and tan and muscular like i like them. and for some reason before i could get on the horse, i had to wash his (the cowboy, not the horse) neck. i have no damn idea why, and i woke up before i finished doing that.
3. i was going camping with my family and we still had the old silver jeep and for some reason my aunt was following us on foot. and then we got to a flooded area and the water was up to the doors and i could see that my aunt was struggling in the water but they wouldnt let us open the doors to let her in because it would wash us away. so i closed my eyes and put my head in my lap to drown it out. and then woke up.
4. this is the weirdest of them all. i imagined it to be like a Lost (the show) type situation though i've never really watched, or understood for that matter, the show. but there was a group of people, maybe 15-20 sitting around this big rectangular wooden table. and everyone involved basically kept being reincarnated as themselves over and over. and we were determining who didnt get to come back for their next life and everyone was giving their argument why they should get to come back again. only a few of the characters stuck out to me. one korean lady had lived through the korean war. one kid wearing a dark red baseball hat went to the Univ of So. Cal school of Design (does this even exist) specifically to be able to be a part of this and to come back again, there was a guy with glasses named trevor who was a jerk, and then a guy who looked like george carlin but demanded he be called martin cross. i was in charge of the sheet of paper that said who was staying and going, and had to hand write 'martin cross' on his space. i have no idea if martin cross has ever been a real person, i should google it. but everyone was arguing and i finally said that the people who serve no purpose really have no reason to be there. and maybe 6-10 peole sort of.. evaporated and went into the sky. and then i woke up.

decide what you will of those. i have no idea what any of them means. i just needed to write them down somewhere.

now to locate food and then attempt pottery again.


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