Thursday, February 25, 2010

i should patent that

so crazy dream last night leaves me wondering if i should get to the patent office.

i dreamed i created, patented, copyrighted, marketed Origami Underpants. the purpose of O.U. was geared to the traveler/lazy person. it was designed so that you could fold it ways (hence the origami) and basically have a whole clean pair of underwear. so that you could wear them for like a week and not ever feel too gross.

this is either genius or crazy. either way, i blame the drugs.

so. there is something that may be happening in my life in the near to distant future that may or may not change everything in my immediate future. and i want to be able to tell you about it but i cant. i'm not allowed, and, well part of me doesnt want to talk about it bc that makes it real and real is scary bc real may mean change and we know how well i dont handle change. and i realize that me typing this is counter productive because some of you will ask me about it outside of the blog, and i just can not say. but beginning-middle of april i should be able to talk about it one way or the other. its going to definitely change my life. i'm scared and thrilled.

so unless this illusive blizzard comes tomorrow, i'm headin to NoVa after work (did you know northern virginia was called Nova? me either. guess i'm not that trendy, kids.) i think i want to go to the Spy Museum, and the portrait gallery. or maybe the library. oooh books, i want to lay on you naked and wallow in your amazingnessnessness.

also, can i just say that while i'm glad the CRJ got a job, i'm bummed i wont get to have crazy conversations like we have the past couple months. HOW AM I GOING TO KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON IN KANSAS?!?! totally unacceptable.

also, i just wanted everyone to know i shaved my legs for the first time in two weeks. because the internet is the place for oversharing. and i figure thats probably pretty close to my limit of sharing. and you know that joke i made about being raised by wolves, it's starting to actually make a little more sense. but i refuse to go on a fun trip with wildebeest legs.

i dont have anything fun and entertaining to say. sorry kids. i'm sure i'll have something ridiculous to tell you about the trip.


1 comment:

Brandon said...

GASP! You gave away the state I live in! Oh well. I don't care. Most people probably figured it out anyhow.

As for the crazy/genius thing, why can't you be both?