Friday, January 6, 2012

well today i managed to break my apartment key off in my door, get lost on the way home from picking up my cousin at the airport, and get a collections notice about an apartment that i dont even live in.

all were straightened out in short order, but i feel like things are just snowballing. i did only cry once today, and that was this morning, so i feel like i am doing mediocrely ok.

tomorrow is the auction at the gym where we get to bid on the trainers and we get to decide what work-out they have to do. all the money goes to the children's hospital. so i don't mind throwing some money at this, especially since i can make them do the slide board (that thing i broke my ass on).

i mailed out a package today, that was really hard to do but needed to be done. something of pretty great sentiment was in there, but i didnt feel right keeping it anymore. hopefully it will go to someone who loves it just as much as i did someday. it breaks my heart, but i guess it had to happen.

anyway. i'm going to go hang out with my baby cousin and hear him talk about the wonders of california. i'm really glad to have him around this evening.

love to all of you out there in blog reader land.

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