Monday, January 23, 2012

a really good friend of mines step mother is dying. She went in for a routine knee surgery and when coming out of anesthesia she somehow vomited into her lungs. They don't know how long her brain was without oxygen. She's been on a breathing machine for several days not but she is still in a coma. The family made the decision to unplug her Wednesday if nothing new develops. They are heartbroken. I'm so upset for them bc she was fairly young and in good health. Their whole world has turned upside down and knowing how much they are hurting is making me physically sick to my stomach. And it makes me realize how very short our lives are. We have to love hard. Work hard. Be around people who are positive influences in your life. And sometimes all of that is so hard to do. You wish the best for others but sometimes you have to stop and realize what is the best for you. Please say an extra prayer for Christopher, his stepmom, and the whole family. Tell your loved ones you love them. You never know when it might be your last. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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