Thursday, January 19, 2012

so another positive thing. its a small thing, but hey, any positive thing counts at this point, right?

i did my fitness evaluation at the new gym tonight. i did bad on the upper body, which is no surprise bc i have weenie girl arms. i did awesome on the legs part. i had to do squats until i couldnt do anymore and he stopped me at 40 bc i can squat like a boss. then i had to do a speed walk on the track for a mile and i clocked a time that was in the excellent category for my overweightness. so. he is going to make me up a program to help me get not-so-weenie girl arms and to continue toning everything else up.

my party dress came in the mail too, after being so stressed about having to borrow one of rachaels. i tried it on for them and they said to wear the new one. so i will.

and to treat myself for frankly not losing my shit or crying today, i went and got my nails done all pretty for the party.

and now it is snowing and calypso is laying in my bed on the heating pad getting all nice and toasty.

all things considered, it wasnt a terrible day. not like yesterday. i'm not where i want to be by far, but things could be so much worse. and i'll take that for now.

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