Saturday, December 19, 2009

snowed in

so, as many of my deer readers are right now, i'm snowed in. there is currently at least 8 inches out there and it is still pouring. i dug a tunnel to my car earlier in the morning, and you cant even tell now. we're in a state of emergency and applebees is closed. this shit is fo'realz.

so since i'm snowed in, and the dog didn't enjoy our romp in the yard (she sat under the porch and stared at me, like i'm the crazy one for wanting to make a snow angel) i've been doing what i do best. crocheting and feeling grumpy about christmas. and as i just said to a friend a few minutes ago, i feel like a big asshole bc i am not in the christmas spirit. i ordered the flock of chicks for the people and that didnt even make me feel better. so i decided to get on youtube and try to find old christmasy videos. which of course led me to the Band Aid videos which, as we all know, tore me up. And I know I put them on here last year, but here they are again. The original, the bandaid 2, and bandaid 20 with my boyfriend chris martin of coldplay. and things likethis. they make me feel like a bigger asshole. bc as much as i try to help others i know there is so much more i could be doing. i have a house and food and heat and good people in my life and yet i complain while there are people out there who have absolutely nothing. and it makes me want to take just everything i have and go and give it to people who need it. i know and have always known that at some point in my life i'm giong to have to go on a missionary/volunteer/whatever type trip and i wish i had the nerve to do it now. i think i'd feel worse though, and wish i could bring every person i meet home with me and take care of them.

this did not really help my christmas mood. if nothing else, please just remember to be very thankful for all the blessings you have in your life. tell the people you love them how much you love them. help a stranger. pay forward in any way you can for all the good things that are you.


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