Thursday, December 31, 2009

crazy dreams that dont bode well for the rest of my day

this is going to be one giant ramble but i just woke up and this unnerved me.

in my dream i had gone to visit someone and their kid and it was so nice watching them play and have fun. until.. the evil step mother of sorts showed up and was nice and invited herself to dinner. and in the dream i was crushed and decided to go home. to get home, however, you had to walk up and down these steps on a pier of sorts. apparently i live by the ocean now. and it was the end of work day or something so everyone was in line. girls had their own piers, boys had their own. and the tide was as high as the piers so you had to hold onto the railing the whole time and not get swept away. and everyone was soaked. and my phone kept ringing (which it was in real life which is what finally woke me up) and i didnt want to reply bc it was getting all wet and saltwatery. and for some reason there was just one hell of a wave that knocked everyone down. everyone else kept hold of the railing, but for some reason i just let go. and right at the point where i accepted i was drowning i woke the fuck up.

how messed up is that. i mean for serious.

i still have a headache. bleh.

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