Monday, December 14, 2009

gift of giving

i realized i hadn't been home to pick up an angel tree name this year, and since i dropped the ball on that one, and since i need to help someone else have a better life in some small hopeful way, i was looking online at different charities. we know i usually go for kids, old people, and soldiers. but i wanted to find one that would have some sort of impact on more than just one person.

so i found this, Heifer International, and after reading through their material and researching them on my own, i like what they are about, bringing in animals that require the community to work together to care for them, but offer a byproduct (wool, eggs, milk, whatever) that can nourish the people as well as offer a means of supply to sell to help them further help themselves. so i need your help in deciding which animal(s) i want to donate toward. i could get a whole flock of chicks, or a portion of like, a goat. i'm sure it would be the ass portion, but they assure me that their poo is good for the earth that has been overfarmed. so there's that. hell, i'd even donate some rabbits even though their beady little eyes freak me the crap out.

so let me know what you think. i'll make it from all of us. you give me the gift of reading this garbage i write and supporting me anyway. i'll pay it forward in the only way i know how.

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