Tuesday, December 1, 2009

life update

yes, kids it is 3am. i cant sleep.

so it came down to the wire today and i decided to stay with my current company. when it was all said and done, the promised money was the same, this company's benefits were better (and cheaper), and the work promised me is far more interesting (and far more something i can't outright discuss. shaaaady). i am 87% sure i feel good about my decision. i still crave change in my life, but that old logical andrea came out and reminded me how much better this choice would look in the long run. i'm still looking at other options down the line because i refuse to live in this town forever.

but i'm not going to lie and say i didn't wake up and freak out and wonder where my life is going right now.

in other news, i thought my christmas shopping was dunzo but its not. i still have to find something for the hardest person alive to shop for. my dad. any suggestions???

i should get back to sleep. or at least try to.

goodnight all!

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