Monday, December 14, 2009

monday blues

its 1:00. the most exciting thing thats happened today is i refused to wear pants to work.

(i can do that. since i dont leave the house for work. and here you thought i was being rebellious.)

i feel like numbering things.

1. the billy ray cyrus christmas special is typical cheesy mountain man christmas. i cant help but want to correct his grammar and ask him whether or not his achy breaky heart understands yet.

2. i took a break from crocheting blankets and made a scarf. sometimes its nice to make a small project that you can see the outcome quickly.

3. this is the neatest thing i've seen in awhile. they even have King Lear, that being my fav work of shakespeare, followed by richard III.

4. i have a headache. again. they're getting worse and more often. if this shit doesnt stop i swear i'll turn to hard drugs. or at least ones that taste like strawberries.

5. i went to the grocery store yesterday and even thought ahead so i could give the bell ringer some change. i dug up quite a bit and was feeling all good about myself, only to find the bell ringer wasnt there. so i had to jingle around with a heavy purse. it made me think of my grandmother. lol

6. jason's graduation yesterday was nice. it was weird sitting in the audience thinking back on my graduation. sitting near people i cared deeply about. putting on a brave face but feeling very very sad. i felt much better watching jason graduate. there are good things in store for his life.

7. i was just thinking about new years eve. last new yrs i sat home alone and cried when the ball dropped. that really seemed to set the tone for this whole year. this time, i refuse to be alone for new years, even if it means being surrounded by strangers.

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