Friday, December 4, 2009

actually dreaming of a white christmas

it's official. i have the winter blues. i'd held off, thinking if i kept myself occupied then it wouldnt happen.

but the half eaten roll of cookie dough says otherwise. i feel like i might hurl now.

i had unsettling dreams all night last night. one's i'd rather forget. they were the wishes of sorts. and then waking up to a freezing room with a sad looking dog. lets just say i was glad that i got to go have lunch with friends today. but. here i am again. bleh.

tomorrow is the smarmy work christmas party. here's hoping there is no ridiculous shenannigans this year on behalf of my pseudo date. all else, at least i'll get to have that olympic size bathtub to enjoy. and i'll have friends there. thats a big plus.

a lot has changed since this time last year. and then a lot of things are exactly the same.

my fortune cookie said something along the lines of you cant always hope for a good hand, but the ability to play the cards you're dealt.

i spend a lot of my day reminding myself of the good things in my life.

and reminding myself that i am not sad.


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