Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Goodbye Mix Account

So I went to check something in my univerisity email account and everything in it was gone. Instead of giving us notice that they were going to do this, they just deleted everything. And I'm really angry about this. I had some ancient email I wanted to keep for sentimental reasons saved in there. My grad school acceptance. My letter from Oderman about his book cover. Some arguements where I vocalized what I really felt for the first time ever. Pictures from Ben from his travels. Internet sock poetry from my mother. And now it's all gone. 6+ years of things I carefully categorized in their own folders is gone.

I suppose maybe it's for the best, moving on. It's just email after all. Not even something tangible. And I don't like change, so maybe it's time to shake things up a bit. And maybe there's more than a little wrong with me that I'm sad over the loss of an email address. But they could have warned me. It's like... when you go to delete a phone number out of your address book because you no longer talk to that person or theyve changed their number or something like that, but you just cant bring yourself to delete it because thats a tie that you can't let go of yet. even if there are other things still there.

apparently technology makes me weepy. and angry.


Mrs. Tonya Young said...

I would call and bitch and make them forward the contents to your new email address!!

Andrea said...

I called and everything was already deleted and there was nothing they can do about it. :(