Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Do Your Part!!

As most of you know, it is Random Acts of Kindness Week. And I was trying to think of something we could all do. And I remembered Free Rice! It's an easy game to play that sends rice donations to the United Nations World Food Program. And it increases your vocabulary, so everyone wins.

And for inspirational background music while you play, I thought it would be appropriate to play Feed the World. So what if it's not technically Christmas time? I imagining getting food would make it Christmas any day of the year. So here is the original version, with my future ex-husband Sting, and here is the 20th anniversary version with my future ex-husband Chris Martin of Coldplay.

Now go! Go create a donation and expand your knowledge! And pass this link along to others!

1 comment:

Mrs. Tonya Young said...

i am a mean mean gurl. no nicey nicey.