Tuesday, November 10, 2009


even though i'm in the dumps right now (whats new?) i saw a thing on facebook where every day you have to post something you are thankful for up until thanksgiving. and i think i need to do this, to remind myself that even when things seem like there is no hope, that there is.

today i am thankful for my friends. all of you have kept me from shattering into a million pieces so many times. have been understanding, loving, reprimanding, stern, honest, caring. you've watched me do terrible things to myself and yet you still stood by me. you've celebrated happy moments and hugged me in sad ones. and without you i dont know where i would be. those of you near and far, one i havent even met in person but who seriously is the inspiration for my hope of being a positive thinking person. i'm very thankful i get the honor of calling you friends. some have been here longer than others. some have made important impacts and then have gone. but you're all always in my heart and something i dont give thanks for enough.

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