Friday, January 23, 2009

Help Us Interwebz Kenobi, You're Our Only Hope!

Ok, so that's a cheesy title, but Shainnnnnna and I really do need your help. Twice even.

So, here's the deal. We' were feeling squirrely and decided that we wanted to open an Etsy shop. (go google etsy if you don't know what it is.) Between us, and potentially Dave Ryan, we can make knitting notions (hand dyed yarns, needles, etc.), jewelry, photos, candles, soaps, bath scrubs and fizzies, invitations and cards (hey, we're pros at that one now thanks to her wedding) etc. A whole range of crafty fun items. So the moral of the story here is that we need a name for our little corner of the internet. Something quirky. And we're both stumped. So, interwebz, if you help us come up with a name, you win a prize! I'm not exactly sure what the prize is yet, but you can guarentee it's something we make. That can be negotiated later. So give us some ideas here, people. PLEEEEASE.

also, I'm going salsa dancing tonight and I fear for the toes of the greater Morgantown area. I will report back with how it all goes.

My name is Andrea, and I have no idea what I am doing.


Mrs. Tonya Young said...

Truffle Shuffle Goods

Anonymous said...

How about "Things I Want to Sell to You, Unless My Dog Eats Them First"?

Anonymous said...

Or "Things My Dog Has Not Yet Eaten"

Anonymous said...

Nic Nacs from Motown

Things you shouldn't have to live without


Everything except bacon

Crafts of the Future, Today!

Anonymous said...

She sells widgets by the seashore

I can't believe it's not expensive!

I can't believe it's not expensive!, spread