Thursday, January 29, 2009

Flashback 1988

When I was little, in the winter one of my favorite things was to eat snow. But not just handfuls, oh no. I'd get my Ninja Turtle bowl (you remember those, it looked like their shell and had a head, arms, and legs) and fill it with snow and then bring it indoors and put vanilla on it and eat it with my glow-in-the-dark Frankenberry spoon. And I thought that was just the coolest thing on earth, making my own pseudo-ice cream. I'd crack myself up telling whoever was around that I was an ice cream magician.

I thought about doing it again the other day when it snowed so much. But there's so much shit in the atmosphere now (especially around Morgantown) that I can't even imagine eating snow. Not that it would probably actually hurt me or anyone to eat the snow, but knowing what's in it makes me not want to.And it kind of makes me sad. I hope we can clean up our environment so that future generations dont have to miss out on eating snow.

I guess I'm going to have to get another Snoopy sno-cone maker and make my own.

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