Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Things that Make Me Happy

I have decided I'm not allowed to be angry. Although I do give myself twelve points for admitting my anger and letting it out rather than burying it in and worrying myself to death in the next 2 months. That said, I'm going to make a list of things that make me happy. Why? I'm childish and I can do what I want. neener neener neener.

1. Wendys fries dipped in a frosty. Never before this invention could I imagine french fries in ice cream. But it is wonderful.

2. Talking to Heather on the phone while she is driving around momentarily lost in Raleigh. You would have to be on the phone when this happens to understand

3. Sally for sending Shainna and I kinder surprise! holy crap! I get to try kinder surprise!!! well, I will as soon as it gets mailed here from columbus. but that will be soon!

4. Calypso being a vulcher. If you leave the door open, she will sit on the back of the couch and stare intently at....nothing? But you better believe if something was there, she would know. And she would let you know about it. Immediately.

5. The fact that I have not one but 2 dollarstore mermaids in my christmas tree (yes, my tree is still up. I have no desire to take it down yet bc it cheers me up. it may stay up till May.)

6. The super hot UPS man winked at me. Oh. My. Gawd. I think I'm in love, just a little bit. Somebody hold me.

7. The sound of the rain on the trailer roof. I know I talk a lot of shit on the ol' trailer, but the sound of the rain puts me right to sleep. Infact it is making me sleepy now.

8. I finished another Cornwell series, this one about the Saxon conquest and Alfred the Great. (myes, scuse me there, my nerd is showing.) An excellent series of books that are, overall in the grand scheme of things, accurate. It's caused a lot of time on wiki, which actually lead to that whole tartan tirade.

There. I feel much better.

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