Sunday, January 4, 2009

The More You Know

So I've done nothing today but read and research stuff on Wikipedia. I call it a good day. But something I find very interesting I have discovered from my random searching is that many states in the US have an official tartan. Really? I mean I get that we have official birds, trees, songs, etc. But tartans? Can we do that? And what I find most interesting, is WV doesn't have one. Hawaii has one, but we the mutant offspring of those Scotch-Irish immigrants who got stuck in these mountains don't have one. I protest.

Maybe I'm the only person on the planet who finds this stuff interesting. I know my ancestors had their own clan tartan, and later a coat of arms. And lets not forget that my great ancestor (who's name I cant remember and my aunt would surely be angry at me for that) was excommunicated from the Catholic church and stripped of his position as part of the Highland Guard. Is it weird that I'm proud of this? I like to think i inherited my stubborn sarcastic asshole-ish-ness from this relative. Although life got shitty for the family in generations after that, being forced to fight in the Revolutionary War basically as British slaves and then being forced to become deserters following the end of the war bc the British didn't want the extra mouths to feed on the ships on the way home. So stuck in Appalachia they were. Also, I suppose I should point out that this is mom's side of the family. I can't imagine any ancestor of my father's side ever doing anything that wasn't toeing the line, lol. But then again, we dont know as much detail about my dad's family as we do moms. They just sorta popped up on Ware Mountain (no, I am not joking) and here we are. Perhaps I should do some research into finding out where in the world they came from.

And that folks, is what we call a tangent.

So, the moral of the story is, I want an official WV tartan. At first I figured we didn't have one since we broke from Virginia and VA does have one, but that's bullshit. Hawaii has one. New Mexico has one. Even the homestate of Dubya has one. If Dubya gets a tartan, dammit, I should too!

end ridiculous rant.

UPDATE: Someone in our government has been trying to create a state tartan for WV! according to a summary of last years legislation, House Concurrent Resolution No. 29 is trying to make this happen. Now, someone who understands government stuff, tell me what a concurrent resolution is. I need the facts, jack.

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