Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Final Inauguration thoughts and How I Missed Blue Monday

1. I stayed up until 11:30 watching the news because I didn't want to miss anything. And I think the moment that will stick with me as representative of this entire event, well, there are two. The first was when the Obamas got out of their tank-limo and walked the parade route. I thought that was pretty damn awesome of them, because you and I both know, as much as it pains to admit, that there are some assholes out there who potentially could have brought them harm. But by them walking the parade, that was like a big middle finger to ignorance. AndI won't lie, I stood up from my desk chair and I clapped for them. The second moment was when they arrived at the Neighborhood Ball. Here the President is given a chance to speak about anything he wants, and what he says is "How good lookin is my wife!!!" It's stuff like that that makes me appreciate him as a person even more. I can't explain why, but it really really does. He could rattle on about all the problems that we have, but he takes the time to celebrate his wife. It's good stuff and makes me smile. We're not going to get into the fact that the Beyonce interview after she sang "At Last" might have possibly sorta made me cry a wee bit even though I dislike beyonce with the heat of a thousand suns.

2. Apparently, according to news articles and verified by wikipedia (bc you know that shit's rock solid) Monday the 19th was Blue Monday, the statistically most depressing day of the year. Well holy hell, I missed it. And I'm glad. I had a great day on monday. I got to sleep in, spend time with my family, go on a long snowy walk on the railtrail, watch Gran Torino and Life Aquatic and just have a great time in general. And I feel like I really want to give myself a gold star sticker for this, bc as I've said before, I don't usually do so well in the winter. But I think now that I have a routine and I've eliminated a lot of what was causing the sadness and anger from my life, winter doesn't seem as oppressive anymore. Sure there are some days where its dreary and I just want to stay in bed and watch crap tv all day, but that isn't the same as not wanting to leave the house for weeks on end. So I hope you all had an equally good Monday, and if not, then just think, if that was statistically the worst day of the year, it's all uphill now!

3.I am bound and determined to finish my craft project by the 31st. I'm to the point that I'm sick of looking at it but really want it to be finished. I swear there will be photos for you to admire and tell me what a wonderful person I am. Or at least, the first part.

4. I freaked out when I came home yesterday because Calypso was chewing on a foot. I thought there was a dead body on my couch because the blankets were piled up in perfect body-position with the foot sticking out the end. It was only a chewtoy that mom had bought her this weekend. After restarting my heart, the toy went straight to the trash. Caly also has a new blue winter parka bc 1) it is funny and 2) she really hates being cold, as does her owner. I took photos of that too, so if Tonya yells at me enough again, I might remember to put them online sometime.

5. I'm on day 3 of not drinking soda. I don't know why I'm trying this again when I know what happens... my insomnia returns and I become an even bigger bitch than normal. But so far (knock on every piece of wood in a ten mile radius) I'm sleeping ok and am semi-cheerful. We'll see how long that lasts. I fully blame the fact that my underwire died today on my lack of caffeine intake. Yes, that is some effed up logic.

That is all for today. End Transmission.

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