Friday, January 16, 2009

Holy Human Popsicle, Batman

You know what happens when I say that this could be the best week ever? I wake up the next morning, a morning that is -3 that feels like -15 with windchill, WITH NO HEAT. I'm not going into work until I can get this fixed and I've got 3 different calls out, hoping someone can get here before I die. Calypso and I are curled up in bed with the electric blankets and everything we own on.


Update! We have heat! Delicious wonderful heat! And there was much rejoicing, and it was good. It turns out a gasline froze up here on the hill somewhere and half the neighborhood had no heat. Now, I've got it cranked up to 80, if only for a few hours until I leave town. I sat in my tiny bathroom with its huge heat vent and just enjoyed the warmth.

It's official, I was not cut out to be an eskimo. Give me the equator.

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