Sunday, January 25, 2009

I Sport a Bathrobe as a Fashion Necessity

So I'm sick again. Everyone at work has been sick for weeks and we just keep passing it around. How is it though that I only feel the worst on the weekends? I can guarentee I'll be better tomorrow in time for work.

So I'm sitting here in my pajamas and bathrobe because I felt very Lebowski with my flu and sinus medication feeling yuk. I'm freezing and have a fever. I blame it on Foster and karma as I mocked Foster for being sick.

At least my bathrobe is monogrammed thanks to Mrs. Pickens.

So. An assortment of thoughts for your entertainment purposes.

1. We all know I hate being in the car for any period of time. It's not so bad when I have company but when it's just me in the car, even the drive home from work is too long. So I have a game I enjoy, where whatever song I have on the radio I imagine what it would sound like if Morgan Freeman was speaking it. Not singing, but speaking in his voice of God manner. You should try this sometime as it is hilarious. Some recent favorites are Flo-rida's "Low," Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl," the Veronica's "Untouched," and whatever that latest Kanye song is (which I do not like as much as Love Lockdown but it's still ok.) So if you ever see me laughing my ass off while driving by, you can guess what I'm doing. The Connery is also an excellent voice for this game. and what's her name from the Nanny.

2. this is just hilarious. thank you chris bailes.

3. you guys need to give us more ideas for our Etsy name! Chris wins a prize for most attempts. But so far nothing is sticking with us.

4. I officially give my allegiences to Wes Anderson and his films. I loved Darjeeling Limited and the Royal Tenenbaums but have now also watched Life Aquatic. I need to now track down Bottle Rocket and Rushmore.

5. None of these are important thoughts. I'm just tired of sleeping and there is nothing good on tv at the moment and my eyes hurt when I read. Bitch bitch, whine whine, puke.

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