Monday, January 26, 2009

Goals Update

So I was looking through my goals list and realize I had successfully kept a plant alive for 5 months! Holy moly! Do you EVEN know how exciting that is? I can kill plastic plants! And this one has stayed alive for five whole months! I'm going to have to bring my camera in and take a commemorative photo. Although the aqua globes one is of said plant, so I suppose that will do.

I also need to try a new fruit or veggie this week as the month is quickly coming to an end. I've written my monthly letter but have yet to post it for lack of stamps and my intense hatred of the post office.

Since Feb is such a short month I figured I'd use it as a cop-out for a lot of my goals. the vitamins, the Alphabetical Appreciation, several others I imagine. So stay tuned for that.

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