Thursday, January 8, 2009

And the Grinches Heart Grew Three Sizes

So today I had one of those experiences that makes you appreciate all the good people in the world for the little things. It wasn't much, but it is what I aspire to be like, to do for others. As you can see, (there, on the sidebar) one of my goals is to keep a plant alive. This is because it is quite possible that I would kill plastic flowers. Well I have a plant at work, and it's come near death several times. The cleaning couple (again, I dont feel comfortable using their names here) always have to remind me that I need to water it, it's become like a joke with us. Well this afternoon the husband comes back and says he has a surprise for me that he and his wife picked up. It was those Aqua Globes that look awesome and are an idiot-proof (re: Me) to remember to water your plants. And I know this might not seem like a big deal, but it really meant something to me that they thought about me and I dont know, it was just that nice warm fuzzy feeling. People doing nice things for people. Not bc they have to, but bc they think it will be helpful/make them smile.

Also, this is an adorable yet sad article.

It's snowing outside and all I want to go do is make a snow angel. I think I shall.

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